Every city, town, and village has art projects which reflect the interests of area residents. In addition to professional work which is displayed, some interesting work has been done by local residents. As I travelled in the Wainwirght area, I saw interesting hand-crafted art. The photos below include painted fire hydrants, hay bale painting, and a large globe made from old hand tools, and metal parts. I hope you find them interesting. They bring back fond memories of my time in the Wainwright area. The metal globe is in a park near the Wainwright Railway Museum, The bales and decorated fire plugs are in the Village of Chauvin.
Decorated Fire Plugs in Village of Chauvin
Hay Bale Painting in Village of Chauvin
Hay Bale Painting by an Award Winning Artist, Chauvin Alberta
Hay Bale displayed along the Highway to Chauvin Alberta
Globe made from tools and metal parts at Railway Museum, Wainwright