In 2021 I made a year long project of photographing the Edmonton Alberta Temple of the Church Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Located off Whitemud Drive at 51st Avenue, it was erected in 1999 and is one of 315 temples operating, under construction or planned around the world. It is a good example of modern religious architecture . It was built mainly by local craftsmen under the direction of Edmonton Architect Robert Bennett. You will notice the use of motifs such as the Alberta Rose, and Wheat, and other elements occurring in threes. The exterior is clad with Quebec Granite. Members who attend sessions in the temple must have current recommends from local leaders, but all are welcome to visit the gardens and enjoy the quiet, peaceful surroundings.
Members of the Church believe Families are Forever. Temple Sessions teach about Jesus Christ, the meaning of earth life as part of eternity, and that families can be sealed together after death, conditioned upon living faithfully to Christ's teaching here and their desire to continue together in the life to come.
The photos below show the temple at various times and seasons, and the gardens and adjacent areas during the summer, open to all who wish to visit.
Edmonton Alberta Temple.
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints